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Strategy #6 [Conversion & Nurture Phase]

MYMV Facebook Post Graphics - Strategy 6

Strategy #6 [Conversion & Nurture Phase]: You need a strong email list building strategy in place to convert leads from search engine and social media to opt-into your email list using a very targeted lead magnet to draw in your ideal customer. But any good lead magnet needs to be evergreen or retain its value over time. The best lead magnets are reverse engineered to lead your ideal customer to your next offer. To do this, consider answering the following questions: 1) Who would I invite to a party to discuss my favorite topic (my offer)?, 2) What are the greatest struggles around this issue or pain they are experiencing that my offer would help them solve? And  3) How are they going to feel after they get my free resource, take action and get results? Then, throughout your email sequence, you are nurturing a relationship with your audience as they grow in knowing, liking and trusting you.

Pro Tip: Create a single, timeless lead magnet that you use on all your platforms to draw people to your main free resource hub in MemberVault. 

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